Shih Tzu - Birth Process I

Released on: March 13, 2008, 6:35 am

Press Release Author: For more Free Resources

Industry: Healthcare

Press Release Summary: Puppies can be born head first, feet first or butt first. The
easist delivery will be head first, and is the most desirable delivery of course.
Usually these come out without problem. If the puppy tries to emerge feet first or
butt first, it sometimes gets stuck and takes longer for mom to push it out.

Press Release Body: The first puppy in either the right or left horn of the uterus
is lifted into the birth canal and then detaches from the wall of the uterus. When
this happens, in a normal delivery, the puppy will seem to \"pop\" out sometimes all
at once, sometimes halfway and it takes more contractures to push the puppy on out.
If you see a puppy that looks hung up, grasp as much of the sac and puppy as you can
and gently pull outward and down when the female has a contraction. Never pull the
puppy straight back or jerk it hard.

Puppies can be born head first, feet first or butt first. The easist delivery will
be head first, and is the most desirable delivery of course. Usually these come out
without problem. If the puppy tries to emerge feet first or butt first, it sometimes
gets stuck and takes longer for mom to push it out.

At this point, do not panic, but just try to gently pull outward and down using a
dry washcloth to get a good grip. The sac on a puppy is very slippery. As soon as
the puppy is out, the mother should by instinct start to lick and tear at the sac
around the face, eyes and nose. This is of most importance at this time. If the sac
is not broken quickly, the puppy could smother to death. So if mom does not start
this right away, just simply tear it with your fingers, and the puppy will begin to
try and breathe. If mom does her job correctly she will continue to tumble the
newborn around, licking and cleaning the sac completely off to stimulate the puppy
to breathe. Again, if mom is too tired or for some reason her instincts do not kick
in quick enough, you can begin to stimulate the puppy to breathe on its own by
rubbing it briskly with your dry wash cloth, rub its back and shoulders, head, evey
part you can get hold of and hopefully mom will also begin to cut the cord about
this time and consume the placenta that should have arrived along with the whelp or
shortly after. Mom does not always do this however, and I have seen mothers let
their whelps lie with their placentas and cords attached until they deliver two or
three other puppies, and then turn to eating the placenta and cutting the cords. As
long as the puppy is out, the sac is broken and they are not struggling to breathe,
and are breathing well on their own, it does not hurt anything for them to lie
attached to the placenta until mom gets good and ready to return to that part of

I think sometimes mothers get distracted by the others that are trying to be born
and they know if their previous whelps are out of the sac and breathing, sometimes
even nursing with the placenta and cord attached, they are fine. If mother is doing
her job correctly she will always stimulate them to breathe on their own as first
course of action and leave the other things to another time if necessary.

She needs to deliver one placenta per puppy and you need to keep count. If she
retains a placenta, it can cause infection, and you will need to take her to the vet
for a shot to help her to expel the placenta. It is always a good idea to take your
mom to the vet shortly after whelping to be sure she has not retained a placenta or
even a dead puppy that will need to be expelled.

Anytime you leave newborn puppies or take their mother away for bathing or going to
the vet, you will need to provide the puppy box with a heating pad and place a baby
receiving blanket over the box to create a warm incubator. I learned this lesson the
hard way. I took a mother from her babies just long enough to bath her and blow dry
her, but never provided the newsborns with a heating pad, it was summertime even,
and all those babies died within a day or two, they were doing fine before. I
concluded they must have \"chilled\" while mom was gone. Mom will provide a lot of
warmth for her newborns. She will wrap her body around them to warm them up, but you
still need to use heating pads, and especially if you take mom from the box to tend
to her for something. The number one cause of a newborn dying is becoming chilled.
It is imperative to warm them up as quickly as possible and keep them warm.

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